Yorkshire Splunk User Group

Organised by Yorkshire Splunk User Group

The Yorkshire Splunk User Group is a community of Splunk users with a dedication to sharing ideas, tips and tricks of Splunk.

This month we have Adam McPartlan of Hippo Digital presenting on the topic of Tstats and Btool.

This is set out to be another great talk for the group. If you’re familiar with either of these utilities you’ll know how interesting and useful they can be. If you’re less familiar, then get ready to introduce a great new toolset to your Splunk toolbelt!

We’ll have a Splunk prize for the most insightful question or contribution in the room.

This is an in-person event in Leeds, UK, and we also have a remote/hybrid option. Our venue, teleconferencing, and refreshments are kindly provided by Hippo Digital.

The audience will suit beginner to expert.

Hippo Digital’s event space at the rear of Brew Society, Aire Street, just a 3 minute walk from Leeds Train Station.

Speakers Include:

Cyber Security, Data, Other
27th Mar 2024
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Organised by Yorkshire Splunk User Group
26 Aire St, Leeds LS1 4HT

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