Wait, You Can Code on an iPad?

Organised by Leeds Mobile

This month at Leeds Mobile we’ll have a talk from James Froggat, hosted by Answer Digital.

In 2021, Apple released an IDE specifically for building apps on iPad – but it’s a feature of Swift Playgrounds, meaning many overlooked it.

In this talk, we’ll explore the limits of app development on iPad. Can we go from concept to release with only an iPad? What’s the best git client for iPadOS? And what does this all mean for you? Prepare to enter a parallel world of app development you didn’t know existed!

About the speaker:

James has been an app developer for 10 years. He likes to push the limits of the devices he uses. Maybe that’s why the iPad is his primary productivity device.


17:30 Event opens 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️
17:30 Pizza arrives 🍕
18:00 Event starts
18:05 Talk from James 🗣️
19:00 Event closes, optional drinks at a nearby pub 🍻

This event is aimed at: Those interested in using an iPad for building mobile applications.

Speakers Include:

Coding & Software Development, Innovation
21st Nov 2024
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Organised by Leeds Mobile
Answer Digital, Union Mills 9, Dewsbury Road, LS11 5DD

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