Tech Talent Charter Diversity in Tech Roadshow

Organised by Tech Talent Charter

The Tech Talent Charter (TTC) is hosting a series of in-person, regional roadshow events this year. Called the Diversity in Tech roadshow, the purpose is to join the dots and continue to build a strong, collaborative network of organisations across the UK that are working together to drive diversity and inclusion.

Sharing regional and national data insights on DEI strategies that are working to support underrepresented talent.

Key Event Themes:

  • Developing routes to tech, including new career pathways, returnships and retraining routes.
  • Improving diversity in senior tech talent.
  • Engaging and equipping managers for inclusive leadership.

During the event, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet and network with senior leaders from tech companies and tech employers in your region.

Diversity & Inclusion
10th Oct 2023
9:30am - 11:30am
Organised by Tech Talent Charter
Platform, New Station Street, Leeds, LS1 4JB

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