Software Crafters Leeds : TDD Coding Dojo

Organised by Codurance

Software Crafters Leeds offers a safe, fun space for the Leeds Development community to meet.


After a short intro, we’ll get into groups/pairs or work solo, whatever people feel most comfortable with, and start building. We will be working through some of the katas from the Katalyst website here.

You choose how you want to work and what language you want to code in, this could be a language you are familiar with or new to, so far we have seen Python, Javascript, C# and VB. This session is about collaborating with others, becoming a better developer and building your network, in a fun, relaxed environment.

Throughout we will be sharing ideas, discussing best practices and using this as an opportunity to learn from our fellow coders. There’s no need to be a professional developer, if you’re interested, come along.

Food and drinks will be provided, with vegetarian and vegan options available. All you need to do is bring a machine if you’d like to code along.

Coding & Software Development, Innovation
06th Dec 2023
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Organised by Codurance
Codurance office, 1st Floor Meeting Room, Platform, New Station St Leeds LS1 4JB

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