‘Problem-First Approach to Tech Adoption’, with DAC Beachcroft

Organised by LegalTech in Leeds

Join us for this LegalTech in Leeds seminar, held in partnership with DAC Beachcroft. In this session, we will be exploring a ‘problem-first’ approach to tech adoption and innovation, diving into the process that is involved in adopting tech across law firms and how this differs across large law and SMEs.

This session has been designed to help tech and LegalTech suppliers who are looking to engage with law firms by giving an insight into the process of tech adoption across law firms and how this might affect their engagement approach.

This will be done through a keynote from DAC Beachcroft, followed by 2 panel discussions which will take the audience through each stage of the adoption process including partner engagement and the role of decision-makers and functions such as data privacy, security and contracts.

In this session we will hear a range of perspectives from across the sector.

09th Nov 2023
8:30am - 11:00am
Organised by LegalTech in Leeds
DAC Beachcroft, Saint Pauls House, 23 Park Square South, Leeds LS1 2ND, UK

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