Leeds Digital Careers Fair

Organised by Leeds City Council

Following the success of last year’s inaugural Leeds Digital Careers Fair (LDCF), Leeds City Council, Employment & Skills, will once more be hosting the careers and recruitment event as part of the Leeds Future Talent Plan. This year’s event will be taking place on 26 Sep 2023 at Leeds first direct arena.

Employers and training providers with tech and digital opportunities are invited to exhibit at this not-for-profit event, which has a focus on 3 key pillars to “inform”, “include” and “inspire” the growing and diverse talent within the city. Event visitors will include school, college and university students, people currently out of the labour market as well as those already in work who are exploring the range of opportunities that career changing will bring.

Book your exhibitor place via: https://forms.gle/UfkevP5nALjFQkQu8 or contact [email protected] for further details.

Book a free visitor place by visiting: https://www.firstdirectarena.com/events/detail/leeds-digital-careers-fair-2023

Careers & Education, Diversity & Inclusion
26th Sep 2023
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Organised by Leeds City Council
Leeds first direct arena

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