West Yorkshire has the fastest growing digital sector, with aims to make Leeds the UK’s First Net Zero City. To set the pace of our region’s sustainability journey and progress towards carbon neutrality, the GreenTech Gathering is a relaxed and informal networking opportunity that brings together like-minded individuals and organisations in Yorkshire’s GreenTech community to connect in person, share knowledge and collaborate.
Featuring a 20-minute industry speaker, you’ll be able to hear from industry pioneers and thought leaders tackling some of the biggest questions we all have about the industry.
Connect 🫱🏾🫲🏽
Meet experts, hear from industry leaders and collaborate across entrepreneurial ecosystems.
Share 🧠
Gain access to knowledge, insight and ideas from a community committed to developing technologies that lower emissions and improve our environment.
Leverage innovation to deliver impactful action and set the pace in defining the future of Green Technology.
🍻 Complimentary drink on arrival for first 30 attendees.
👋 Networking with industry experts and leaders.
🎤 Guest Speaker: Georgia Halston, CEO of Halston Group
👀 Try out the UK’s first and only Omnideck!
GreenTech Gathering is proud to support SymbioTex. SymbioTex uses sustainably cultivated seaweed to produce home compostable filaments and pellets for the creation of medical devices such as inhalers.
Proudly sponsored by AD:VENTURE.