Google I/O Watch Party, Quiz and Prizes

Google I/O Watch Party, Quiz and Prizes

Organised by Leeds Mobile

This month we’ll be live streaming the Google I/O Keynote.

Google I/O is Google’s annual conference where they announced all the brand new tech, APIs, and developer tools. What do you think they’ll be launching this year?

Come join us at the AND Digital office, on The Calls, for an informal watch party, and discuss the new things that are announced.

Doors will open at 5:30pm, with food available until we start the live stream around 6pm.

We’ll also have a Google themed quiz and prizes 🏆

Hope to see you there!

Coding & Software Development, UI/ UX/ Design
14th May 2024
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Organised by Leeds Mobile
AND Digital, 2 The Calls, Bracken Workspace Plus,

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