The world’s fast-paced environment requires software to keep up with the needs of modern consumers. Modern application frameworks and paradigms provide much value but also come with challenges. Dealing with data in real-time with extremely low latency is one of them. This event will demonstrate how building cloud-native applications using a real-time, in-memory data platform with BJSS and Redis on Microsoft Azure can help solve them.
The morning session introduces BJSS and Redis capabilities on Azure for product owners, architects, DevOps engineers and developers. We will illustrate them with a modern “lightning-fast” consumer application built as a set of microservices using Java, Spring, Kubernetes and Redis. We will show the advantages of deploying such applications onto AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) across multiple Azure regions, using Redis as the data layer to ensure data synchronization, low latency, and high throughput.
The afternoon session, specifically for developers, will involve hands-on labs, illustrating how to develop powerful real-time applications using the Azure Cache for Redis service as a distributed application cache and full in-memory database for your most demanding applications.
The sessions will be interactive as we are keen to also hear and learn from your experiences in going “cloud native”, whether with new applications, migrating existing ones, or leveraging data from existing back-end systems in new digital scenarios. Please join us to exchange with BJSS, Redis and Microsoft experts, and with your peers.