Driving Developer Experience

Organised by Axiologik

Lifting the cognitive load from development teams and driving value.

Developer Experience is the latest “buzz” phrase, with organisations increasingly embracing the concept, but to date, few have realised the full potential of the opportunity.

Axiologik are welcoming senior IT and Digital leaders join us for a knowledge sharing and networking lunch between 12-2pm on January 24th, in Axiologik’s central Leeds office.

During the lunch, we’ll look at the latest techniques and tooling available to make the life of developers easier, allowing them to focus on delivering new features – increase their job satisfaction, whilst driving greater customer value.

Coding & Software Development
24th Jan 2024
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Organised by Axiologik
Unit 4, St Davids Court, St David's Court, David St, Holbeck, Leeds LS11 5QA

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