Digital Dinners

Organised by Axiologik

How do you create great customer experience when budgets are under strain? You’re invited to dinner to find out.

Join our expert panel in our Leeds offices on the 8th June to learn how organisations from across sectors are tackling one of the biggest challenges they face today: Customer experience.

How you can create tailored and personalised experiences, deliver them at speed, utilise your data, measure ROI, and create lifetime customer value without breaking the bank?

Our panel will discuss, then we’ll open the floor for questions, have dinner together and there will be an opportunity to network with other guests. This is an invite only event and places are limited so RSVP today to get involved.

Innovation, Social & Networking, UI/ UX/ Design
08th Jun 2023
6:00pm - 10:00pm
Organised by Axiologik
Unit 4, St Davids Court, St David's Court, David St, Holbeck, Leeds LS11 5QA

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