
Organised by Investor Ladder

Climb23 is Investor Ladder’s annual summit, brining together Industry, innovation and Investment from across the UK (and internationally) in once place in a festival style environment:

Over 100 Speakers from all over the world (with not a single keynote, powerpoint or panel in sight !!!!) over 4 main stages and 6 streams:
Creative Industry
Sports and Healthcare
Deep Tech and Security
Consumer and eCommerce
B2B Software
Impact investing and sustainability
Net Zero and Sustainability

Other subjects will be covered!!

But this isn’t just about the main stages, this is an about making a difference and building relationships, partnerships and moving things forward.

SO we have:

Diversity and Inclusion Live Podcasting suite with D-List

Business, Leadership and entrepreneurship podcast suite


Drop in clinics

C-Level Coaching sessions

Curated round table discussions

Recording of the #ClimbUnfiltered Podcast series that will be released between 1st June and Climb24

A no code hackathon

Careers Fair (with a massive difference)

Book Writing workshops

Innovation Showcases (certainly not pitching events)

And a massive focus on:
Diversity and Inclusion & Future Talent

Oh and as we are using the event to raise money for Variety The Children’s Charity – you can expect a few surprises along the way.

The 3000 delegates will be key execs from industry, innovators and entrepreneurs, equity investors, mentors and on-execs, public sector organisations and universities.

So if you are business looking to expand, raise finance and accelerate growth – there are no excuses. National and International investors are coming to town,

Let’s show them how awesome the Yorkshire Innovation Ecosystem really is.

Diversity & Inclusion, Innovation, Investing & Fundraising
23rd May 2023
11:00am - 7:00pm
Organised by Investor Ladder
Leeds Dock

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