Building your Personal Brand

Organised by BYPeers Leeds (BYP Network)

In high-performing organizations, at certain levels, everyone is exceptional. To clearly differentiate your value and what you bring to the table, you need to do more than have a good reputation. You need to have an outstanding personal brand.

– Harvard Business Review Article

Are you interested in knowing how to build your personal brand? If the answer is yes, then join us in Leeds for a panel and networking mixer where you will get to hear from 3 amazing individuals from the same family!

Our panelists will draw from their own experiences and provide valuable insights on how to manage and build your personal brand.

There will also be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions in an interactive Q&A.

3 Key Takeaways:

  • Understand how to identify and build your personal brand.
  • Gain an insight into what makes a personal brand impactful.
  • How to use your personal brand to impact the success of your career.
Community & Society, Diversity & Inclusion, Social & Networking
12th Jul 2023
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Organised by BYPeers Leeds (BYP Network)
Axiologik, Unit 4, St David's Court, David St, Holbeck, Leeds LS11 5QA

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