Digital tools and technology are key ‘enablers’ to delivering a wide range of outcomes for people and communities across Leeds. But too many people in Leeds are digitally excluded, which means they are missing out on the benefits that come with being online.
To tackle this issue, the 100% Digital Leeds programme is working to increase digital inclusion across the city. The programme is led by the 100% Digital Leeds team in Leeds City Council’s Integrated Digital Service. The team leads digital inclusion for the city, and they work with hundreds of delivery partner organisations from all sectors. 100% Digital Leeds works to strengthen the digital inclusion infrastructure in communities to increase digital access, engagement and participation for everyone.
Digital inclusion is social inclusion. The barriers to digital inclusion for many people are complex and link to wider factors beyond the common issues of lack of skills or access to a device. The 100% Digital Leeds team address those hidden barriers by working with partner organisations who work directly with some of the most socially and digitally excluded people and communities in Leeds.
The team also identify connections between, and bring together, organisations who work with the same people at different points in their life or for different reasons. These digital inclusion networks discuss common challenges and best practice, and share opportunities for partnership working and funding bids.
The team bring their expertise and deep understanding of digital inclusion as an enabler that can improve outcomes for organisations and the people they support. They listen to the expertise of organisations who understand the lived experience of people who are often marginalised, under-represented and seldom heard.
A key part of the 100% Digital Leeds model is that the team develops sustainable, long-term solutions to increase digital inclusion by embedding digital interventions within existing locations, services and activities. They work collaboratively through partnerships and networks to build a coordinated and connected digital inclusion ecosystem across Leeds.
The 100% Digital team strengthen the digital inclusion infrastructure across the city by bringing together organisations in a place or serving a particular community to address challenges at scale. They increase investment into digital inclusion by helping organisations to identify and apply for funding. They use an asset-based approach to build digital inclusion capacity and confidence within organisations and across sectors. This extends the reach and capacity of the digital inclusion team and also increases the number of people and organisations delivering digital inclusion activities.
In 2023, 100% Digital Leeds:
The 100% Digital Leeds programme includes dozens of active workstreams, projects and activities. Some of the team’s current priorities and key initiatives include:
100% Digital Leeds has also been working with colleagues from Leeds Community Foundation, Voluntary Action Leeds, and Forum Central to harness support from the city’s tech sector to increase digital inclusion. This work is helping digital and tech companies to increase the capacity of community organisations, implement their Corporate Social Responsibility offers, learn from communities, and feel more connected to the city.
Stay tuned for more work as we get closer to the Leeds Digital Charity Ball in May 2024!