We’ve shared our insights, including questions to consider to ensure you are taking a collaborative approach to embracing technology in the workplace.
Hybrid and remote working have made achieving a healthy work-life balance a reality for countless employees. This shift to virtual environments has also fuelled the adoption of technology tools to facilitate hybrid working, such as Microsoft Teams and Asana. However, 39% of employers believe their staff are less productive when working from home. Additionally, remote and hybrid working can come at the expense of effective team bonding and connection. Despite these concerns, evidence supports that productivity signals at Microsoft 365 continue to grow, with 87% of users reporting that they are productive at work.
Consider: How can organisations use technology to enhance the remote working environment while promoting human connection and a strong work ethic?
Automation and AI have become a huge buzzword this year. Embracing AI has become commonplace for employees to assist in tackling everyday tasks. While this is true, utilising AI can prove problematic, particularly in industries that handle confidential client data and information. It’s critical to question, what are the potential implications and precautions you need to consider when adopting AI in the workplace?
Virtual workspaces have widened employers’ options when it comes to hiring employees. Now employers can bring on talent with the expertise they are looking for without being limited by the confines of location. This has opened the door for more diversity in the workplace. With this comes a new challenge of finding ways to ensure culture fit. Ensuring employee engagement is a priority now more than ever before. In a research study by Microsoft, organisations that prioritised employee engagement during economic uncertainty performed twice as well financially as organisations that deprioritised it. Considering the impact diversity and employee engagement can have on employee satisfaction is vital.
With the proliferation of technology, the need to ensure data and security procedures are being followed is crucial. Measures need to be taken to ensure employees stay informed about the dangers and subsequent consequences that can arise from not understanding and failing to follow data and security policies.
With cybercriminal activity on the rise, consider what measures are needed to safeguard information and foster trusting relationships whilst remote working.
Technology has exponentially increased the information we can access. This wealth of information can make generating new ideas simpler. Additionally, organisations are beginning to see the value in investing in innovation and change to accomplish business-wide goals. The question then becomes, how can organisations use technology to nurture a culture that incentivises employees to embrace innovation and creativity?
At our upcoming event on Thursday, September 20, we’ll be addressing these insightful questions and more. Join our panel event to discuss the future of collaboration in the workplace, exploring the tools, technologies, and spaces that impact how we work.