Spotlight On: Matt Robinson

Head of Nations and Regions, Matt Robinson, shares insights on how techUK is supporting UK-wide innovation and the importance of regional contributions.

As part of our ongoing Spotlight Series – where we shine a light on the city’s best and brightest tech leaders – we sat down with Head of Nations and Regions at techUK, Matt Robinson.

Matt shares insights on why growing a tech sector too quickly is risky business, and how techUK is supporting innovation in the UK.

“One of the big pieces of work we’re doing at the moment is working with our members and people like Leeds Digital to understand how the UK can be a science and tech superpower. That’s a big question, but it’s going to require local answers. It’s not just going to be powered by London and the South East, it’s essential that we have strong, vibrant tech sectors like Leeds, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast and others […] Innovation can’t be powered by the capital alone, it has to be powered by the regions.”

Watch the full interview below (*you may need to enable cookies first to view):

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