Introducing Leeds Digital

Home to the city’s latest tech news and most exciting events, find out how Leeds Digital is supporting the city region's tech community, and how you can get stuck in, too!

Welcome to the City Region’s brand-new, premier digital hub.

Home to the city’s latest tech news and most exciting events, Leeds Digital is a full service platform – brought to you by the team behind Leeds Digital Festival – through which the City Region’s tech community can continue to share knowledge, exchange ideas and collaborate. Year-round.

Digital in Leeds doesn’t stop, so neither should we.

Since we began in 2016, we’ve seen Leeds Digital Festival become a major event in the tech calendar and what began as a few big ideas from tech organisers within the city – backed by the local tech community and a small grant – has grown in scale and visibility each year, evolving into the Festival as we know it today.

An open-platform celebration of all things tech and digital, the Festival harnesses the magic of the Leeds tech ecosystem’s unique collaborative spirit, and showcases the digital enterprise and innovation that is happening in the City on a regional, national and international level.

Beginning as a series of 56 events in 2016, the programme has since grown to include over 250 events in 2022, and the Festival has gained status as the largest ‘open’ tech event in the UK. Often cited as a catalyst for career changers and collaborators alike, the Festival provides a platform through which the city’s tech community can come together. But inspiring as the Festival is, it only covers three weeks of the year.

That’s where Leeds Digital comes in.

Much like the Festival’s beginnings, Leeds Digital is a direct response to an emerging need within the city’s tech ecosystem. The community needs a meeting place they can access year-round – somewhere to gather, to share knowledge, exchange ideas, celebrate each others successes, and collaborate. And that’s exactly what Leeds Digital provides.

So, what does this mean for the Festival?

Don’t worry, the Festival isn’t going anywhere.

In fact, the creation of Leeds Digital will allow us to host more events throughout the year, outside of the normal festival periods, and to support events being hosted by organisations across Leeds and beyond, who wouldn’t typically be able to benefit from the Festival platform.

In 2023, Leeds Digital Festival returns in two parts. Now heading into our 8th year, we’ll be kicking things off with our April “mini-fest” (25th – 27th) – a small-but-mighty programme of events curated by the Festival team, featuring the likes of TechUK, KPMG, AND Digital, BJSS, Leeds 2023, NEXUS, Leeds City Council and more.

Then, as Autumn draws in, so too will the main Festival celebrations. Running from the 18th – 29th September, we’ll be offering up our usual two-week open-platform programme packed full of brilliant tech and digital events, hosted by the city region’s most exciting organisations.

What can you expect from Leeds Digital?

We’ll still be bringing you all the latest Leeds Digital Festival content, including programme highlights and insights from our hosts.

But with the arrival of the wider Leeds Digital platform, we’ll also be sharing regular tech news, events, and opportunities in the region, and working with regional, national and international partners to spotlight tech in the North throughout the year. 

Like the Leeds Digital Festival, Leeds Digital will belong to the community. It’s your resource, so join in, submit your news, events and opportunities, and be part of our growing tech sector!

Got something you want to share? Get in touch at [email protected]

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